Tuesday, June 27, 2006

All this heat and light signifying nothing...

I don't recall the precise quote, however my big brother did this and I've always thought it was fantastic....Can you hear us


Anonymous said...

That's a bit cryptic...

backin15 said...

I was a bit pissed... it was midnight, post Coldplay concert, a few too many Feijoa vodka's (thanks to the in-laws) AND I had to be up for another four hours to watch the Soccer-roo's go down in the last minute to the Azzuri (which I'm sure made said big brother happy).

crasster said...

Despite your indelicate situation, I think the song was OK.

backin15 said...

yeah, i liked it a lot. the "all heat and light" comment was really a reference to the fact that we didn't win the tournament.